Welcome to the Florida Olive Group.  We are an “all things Olives” venture co-located in both North and South Central Florida.   In a short few years, our dedication to an idea and drive towards meeting a goal have allowed us to accomplish so much.

Because it is our continued goal & current focus to serve as the premier market leader in the SE United States for Olive Groves, we today serve the following sectors within the OLIVE INDUSTRY:

  • Wholesale Olive Tree sales for orchards development
  • Ornamental 3 and 5 gallon olive trees for landscaping, homes, and nurseries

We regularly ship trees to Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Our olive tree selection includes Arbequina, Picual, Koreneiki and Arbosana olive tree’s ranging from 1 year to 4 years in age.

Please contact us for our questions regarding our current service offerings as well as for help in establishing your grove today!  (click to EMAIL us here)

Stuart Alfonso, Founder


Ralph Morrone, Co Founder